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Down from the door where it began


Updated: Jun 28, 2024

As with all experiences, there must be a start point from which everything begins. As such, I an taking this opportunity to work on penning some topics that pop into my head and also work on copywriting (if this counts).

I think it would be a good outlet for whatever topics that I think would be a nice head-scratcher. At the same time, I will try to stay away from divisive topics and avoid controverisal subjects.



The beginning of a journey. Many people would say that starting something new is hard. Be it from changing to a new diet, switching to a new workout routine or simply doing something one has put off for far too long. For me, there were plenty of experiences that took WAY TOO MUCH thought before I decided to start them. One of which is this site which I have started and the other being my journey to become an illustrator.

This brings me back to when I made the decision to enroll in 3dsense Media School despite having no technical experience and knowledge. Passing the initial interview meant I got past the first stage, and was also constantly reminded of the high workload I would have to go through, especially for someone of my level.

I remember thinking: "How am I going to keep up with the curriculum which would be fast as f&*%?". When I saw my coursemates' entry works (most of whom have had some background), I was hit with that inferiority complex which eventually got worst as the course progressed. Fastforward to 2023. Did I have any qualms about attending design school? Yes, some of which made me question my sanity and questionable future. Do I regret starting my journey then? No, I don't think so.

Everytime I throw down my pen and tablet (figuratively since equipment is costly!) and bemoan my lack of progress, I remember why I decided to open that door in my journey and take that first step: "I wanted to tell stories through pictures".

What then?

It is never easy doing something entirely unknown. There will be challenges mocking your skills. There will be setbacks that break your will. There will most definitely be that deep dark abyss that tears apart your spirit and tells you to give it all up. It happened to me and continue to do so as I face life's challenges, but I never, ever want to give up on this journey which gives me meaning in my short life.

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